
Hereco’s mission is to see our artisan sustainable materials cherished globally

We forge partnerships with fashion brands, artists, and independent designers to co-create captivating capsule collections.Together we tell a compelling narrative of how ethical and planet-positive materials can be cultivated and crafted within a close-knit community, departing from the conventional factory-driven approach. Through these collaborations we foster a new paradigm of responsible and interconnected fashion.

Transitioning fashion towards circular, community-centric future

Fashion is responsible for many of today’s global challenges. Ranking as one of the most polluting industries, each year, new regulations and consumer standards require brands to acknowledge their role in the harm caused to the planet and the people within the supply chain. By partnering with HERECO, brands demonstrate that fashion can be produced locally and ethically, without causing harm to the environment.

Climate change

Crafting sustainable material with no environmental and social impact.

Human Rights

 Addressing misrepresentation of garment workers

Rural Communities

Providing a livelihood for rural and vulnerable communities

Supply Chains

Decentralising and localising textile supply chains for European brands

Collaborative Framework: Unveiling Our Partnership Process

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Material production

Hereco manages the sourcing, production, and overall management of material creation.

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Garment production

Hereco supports design guidelines and garment production by collaborating with women’s garment collectives based in Ukraine.

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Quality Assurance

Hereco ensures the final quality of the material, including conducting relevant testing. Our garments are designed to last for generations

Our brand collaborators

Our brand collaborators manage the creative aspects and the vision of the collection

  • Concept, Design & Development
  • Communication
  • Customer reach

Fashion with Purpose: Where Values Shape Style

Collaborating with HERECO means sharing your love for fashion, textiles, our planet, and its people with your customers.

Working with artisans supports local communities and empowers artists. Creating beautiful clothing holds deeper meaning with our materials, values, and philosophy that resonate with brands beyond the norm.

Our collaborators truly care about their craft, customers, and products. Join us to tell a story that goes beyond the ordinary.


Contact us for further information!